Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh Away

Blessed be the name of the Lord!

It just never ends, does it? The Lord decided not to sell our house in town, and it turned out that He had plans for it, for us to be able to help out family. Each month has been an adventure in trusting the Lord to pay each bill, but God is good and He always provides.

My husband's car had a small crack in the windshield. Last week the ice expanded the crack and we will have to replace the whole windshield. I don't know when or how.

Monday the dryer died. My friend and I actually took it apart and thought we'd fixed it, but now it looks like the motor itself is kaput. We're hoping to get a repair guy to see if it's worth fixing or if it's time for a new one.

Then yesterday, I drove down to Portage to do a load of laundry at my sister's house and on the way back, the van started making a horrible smell. I have no idea what's going on there yet!

And just when I thought we could go to bed in peace, the boys' computer died a rather dramatic death. All my oldests' game programming work is likely gone.

God is so good, isn't He? Everything gets stripped away until all you can do is throw yourself on His mercies and trust that somehow He'll work it all out for your good. The pantry is full. The clothesline is available. The snow and the woods are so incredibly beautiful and peaceful. The boys have been bringing in firewood each day so that a lovely roaring fire in the woodstove can get out the last of the ice crystals in the clothes. My oldest son praised the Lord when his computer died last night and was able to smile, knowing that God is in control. (Would I have been able to do that as a 15 year old? - not likely!) I am so incredibly blessed!

Blessed be the name of the Lord!

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