Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

For Today 11/4/09
For more information, see

FOR TODAY November 4, 2009

From my photos... - above: Amanda Grace with her new birthday dolly
...Outside my window - It's looking like it might clear up after all. It was trying to snow this morning

...I am thinking - about the next chapter of the story I'm writing. My mom and I are challenging eachother (in the spirit of nanowrimo, but not officially so - ) to finish our respective books by November 30th.

....I am thankful for - health, no swine flu at our house yet :)

...From the learning rooms - we're working a new song to sing for Thanksgiving. It's an old hymn called, What God Ordains Is Always Good. I chose to use a different melody.

....I am wearing - my white peasant chemise and my green and white gingham colorgrown cotton jumper

....I am creating - purple dresses for my girls to wear for Thanksgiving

...I am going - no where. The blue van is in the shop today getting that tie rod end replaced.

...I am hoping - to hear my baby's heartbeat next Wednesday even though it's still pretty early
...I am hearing - the washer and dryer humming

...Around the house - Lissa and Juli are singing while they work :) Jeremi's playing with Emi, Abigail and Amanda are straightening up their room, and Micha and Terran are working on their papers due in their Literature class soon

....I am wondering about - what to write for the Rosenow (my mom's side of the family) newsletter. I just got a request this morning to participate with a family update.

...One of my favorite things - listening to my kids sing in four part harmony :)

...A few plans for the rest of the week: find all the winter coats, boots, etc and figure out what fits whom and where we're going to put them.

1 comment:

  1. I have followed your blog but have never commented. I have not been on it lately and when i say the sidebar today I was so excited for you. We just lost a baby almost three weeks ago. i was 16 weeks along. We had a baby boy who went to be with the Lord. So encouraged by your blog.
