Thursday, February 12, 2009

He Is Risen Indeed

Monday this week, I asked the children what this Sunday was about. I was dismayed to find that my 5yo couldn't answer that question. It wasn't like we'd never read the story, talked about it often, watched "The Miracle Maker", etc. Her idea of Easter was going to Gramma's house, getting presents and candy from Great Gramma, playing with her cousin, and eating lots of yummy food. So I told again the wonderful story of God's great love for us, how He sent His son to die on the cross in our place and how through faith, we are saved.
Tuesday this week, I asked my 5yo what Sunday was all about. I was met with silence. I think she remembered that the answer she'd given the day before was not the one I'd been looking for, but not what the right answer was. So I told again the wonderful story of God's great love for us, how He sent His son to die on the cross in our place and how through faith, we are saved.
Wednesday this week, I asked Abi again what Sunday was all about. "God?" was all the answer I could get out of her. So I told again the wonderful story of God's great love for us, how He sent His son to die on the cross in our place and how through faith, we are saved.
Thursday this week, I asked Abigail what Sunday was all about. "God dying on the cross." "Good, and then what happened?" Silence... So I told again the wonderful story of God's great love for us, how He sent His son to die on the cross in our place and how through faith, we are saved.
Friday this week, I asked my daughter what Sunday was all about. "Jesus dying on the cross." "Then what happened?" "They put him in the grave." "And then what?" Silence... So I told again the wonderful story of God's great love for us, how He sent His son to die on the cross in our place and how through faith, we are saved.
Saturday this week, I asked my little girl what Sunday was all about. She told me that Jesus died on the cross, went in the grave, and then came back alive. I was glad to hear she knew the answer, but there was no emotion or excitement in it. I asked what that meant for her? Silence again... So I told again the wonderful story of God's great love for HER, how He sent His son to die on the cross in HER place and how through faith, SHE was saved.
That evening we made resurrection cookies. She joined her brothers and sisters in beating the nuts just as Jesus was beaten by the soldiers, tasting the vinegar just as Jesus was given vinegar to drink while on the cross, tasting the salt of the tears shed by Jesus' followers, putting in the sugar to remind them of God's sweet love toward us, adding the egg whites as a symbol of new life, then beating the whole thing into bright white stiff peaks reminding us that our sins were made white as snow, stirring in the nuts and heaping the little mounds onto the cookie sheet, putting them in the oven and sealing the door with tape just as Jesus' tomb was sealed. (Well, technically they never did quite get to the stiff peak stage and they were more like rounds than mounds on the cookie sheet LOL but I hoped they'd work well enough to get the story across at least.)
Sunday dawned bright and early. Mike made a special breakfast and afterward we checked on the cookies, now hollow and empty just like Jesus' tomb. We had a special time of worship and Mike used the Resurrection Eggs to once again tell the wonderful story of God's great love for us, how He sent His son to die on the cross in our place and how through faith, we are saved.
We had a beautiful quiet day at home with yummy things to eat and pictures taken of lovely children in Easter outfits, talking often of Christ's work on the cross for us. Mike and I had some great conversations about what a celebration of Easter should be (and Christmas too). - having realized recently that the roots of some of our holiday traditions were a stumbling block to dear ones that we've been praying salvation for.
In the evening, it was bedtime for the girls and Abi's turn to pray aloud. A smile filled my heart to hear her pray, "Dear God, thankyou that you died on the cross for me and everyone and that you came back to life again and that you love us so much! I love you, Jesus! In Jesus' name we pray, Amen."
He is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!

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